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Import - General information

Under the menu item Import in the Administration tool there are functions that manage settings and information about events in connection with the import of the invoices. These are divided into the following submenus:

  • Vendor's identity: Has two sub-functions - Vendor's Identity, which is used to configure/name the fields on the vendor and the invoice that are used to match the incoming invoice to the correct vendor, and Vendor match, which is used to define how to match the invoice's interpreted vendor id fields to the corresponding fields on the vendors.
  • Invoice import settings: Used to define how incoming invoice data is expected to be formatted upon import, as well as to define email messages that are sent if incoming formats are incorrect.
  • Invoice import configuration: Used to configure which input fields to use and present (mainly in error queue for import and during manual registration) and to which data field in MediusGo database the field should be connected.
  • Logical controls: Used to define which logical checks of invoice data should be made in connection with import, as well as limit values for these.
  • Error during import: Used to list incorrectly imported invoices with the possibility of correction.
  • Import log: Used to present technical log information about errors reported by system components during import.
  • Purchasing integration: Used to configure the invoice item line and the purchase order line and the matching/relationship between these when handling order invoices to be matched against purchase orders.