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Settings for accounting periods

To avoid invoices being posted to a closed period, you need to tell the system which dates apply.

This is done via a number of system parameters in the administration tool System configuration - System settings - Functions.

The settings can be made for the whole system or for individual companies.

Setting the date for the accounting period

First date of the current period

  • Parameter: MinAccountingDate
    Used to specify a minimum accounting date, i.e. the first date of the current period. Invoices sent for preliminary or final booking with an accounting date older than MinAccountingDate will be sent to New Invoice Review or Invoice Exceptions Review with a message that the posting date is incorrect.
    Automatic modification of the posting date on the invoice can be set using the parameters described further down in the article.

Last date in the current period

  • Parameter: MaxAccountingDate
    Used to limit how far in the future the posting date can be set on an invoice. If the posting date is further ahead than what the parameter says, the invoice is sent to New Invoice Review or Invoice Exceptions Review with a message that the posting date is incorrect.

Similar settings can also be made for accruals, read more about this in the article Settings for accruals.

Automatic change of posting date


If you use preliminary booking, it varies between financial systems what is allowed to be changed after an invoice is preliminary booked. Consult your financial system specialist about what is allowed for you.

Change posting date in a closed period

  • Parameter: ChangeBookingdate
    Used to control whether the system should change the invoice's posting date in connection with preliminary or final posting, in cases where the posting date is older than the parameter for MinAccountingDate (i.e. the invoice's posting date falls in a closed period).
    If the parameter is set to Yes, the posting date of the invoice will be changed to the first available date in the next open period. NOTE! This means that when MinAccountingDate is changed, invoices that are preliminary posted will have a different posting date for final posting. 

Default date other than import date as posting date

  • Parameter: DefaultAccountingDate
    Used to set a proposed posting date for imported invoices. If the parameter has no date value, the system will set today's date (i.e. import date) as the posting date on the invoice. The alternative is to enter another date in the parameter, which is then set as the proposed posting date. Useful at period changes when most invoices received at the beginning of a new period should have the last date of the previous period as the posting date.

Change to today's date for final posting

  • Parameter: UseCurrdateForBookingdate
    Used for final posting to control the cases where the invoice's posting date is older than MinAccountingDate, i.e. falls in a closed period. If the parameter is activated, the system will instead enter today's date as the invoice's posting date.

Changing settings

To change a parameter, click on it in the list under System configuration - System settings - Functions and a form similar to this will open

Check the upper box if the setting should apply only to this company, if the setting should apply to the whole system, leave the box empty.

Check the lower box to activate the parameter. On some forms, there is a text field with the heading Parameter value instead of a checkbox, where the date should be written in the form MM/DD/YYYY.

Edit the posting date on the invoice

The posting date on the invoice is always editable in New Invoice Review.

If preliminary posting is not used, it is also editable in Invoice Exceptions Review.

If you want to be able to edit this in other steps, these parameters need to be set to Yes.

AllowEditBookingdateUsed to configure when/if the posting date field should be open for editing.

If preliminary posting is used, the parameter needs to be set to Yes in order to be able to edit the posting date in Invoice Exceptions Review .

Sub-options for the parameter are to choose in which steps (coding, review and approval) the field should be editable. This can also be set in the parameters AllowEditBookingdateInAllocation, AllowEditBookingdateInAttest and AllowEditBookingdateInInspect.
If the parameter is set to No, the posting date field will be grayed out and cannot be changed in steps other than New Invoice Review if you use preliminary posting and New Invoice Review  and Invoice Exceptions Review in other cases.
AllowEditBookingdateInAllocationUsed to configure whether it should be possible to change the posting date in the coding step. Can also be set via the AllowEditBookingdate parameter. If the parameter is set to No, the field is grayed out and cannot be changed.
AllowEditBookingdateInAttestUsed to configure whether it should be possible to change the posting date in the approval step. Can also be set via the AllowEditBookingdate parameter. If the parameter is set to No, the field is grayed out and cannot be changed.
AllowEditBookingdateInInspectUsed to configure whether it should be possible to change the posting date in the review step. Can also be set via the AllowEditBookingdate parameter. If the parameter is set to No, the field is grayed out and cannot be changed.