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Vendor's Identity


On incoming invoices, various terms can be scanned and interpreted in order to be used to identify the vendor. Normally, bank account number or organization number applies as a standard concept for vendor identity in the financial system's vendor register. For foreign vendors, other types of terms from the invoice are used, such as VAT numbers, phone numbers, or other unique terms.

Under the administration tool's main menu System configuration under the menu option Import - Vendor's Identity, the fields on the invoice and in the vendor register that are to be used to match incoming invoices against resp. vendor.

The function is mainly used in connection with the installation and basic configuration of the system. Once this is configured, the function rarely or never needs to be changed.

The purpose is for the system to be able to use all 3 identification fields on the incoming invoice, to match against the 4 existing free fields on the vendor in the vendor register to match and find the right vendor for the invoice.

To view existing defined Vendor's Identity concepts in the system, select the System configuration - Import - Vendor's Identity feature and click View. The following form is displayed:

The 5 rows of the type "Fields in Supplier" are used to define the fields on the vendor in the vendor register that can be used when matching invoices.

The fields are:

  • Vendor ID: normally consists of a serial number or the vendor's account number in the financial system's vendor register.
  • SupplierNo1-4: optional field to fill with information from the financial system's vendor register. For example. the vendor's organization number, VAT number etc. can be read in here via the integration with the financial system.

The three rows of the type "Fields in ImportSupplier" represent the three fields of vendor information interpreted on the invoice and supported by default when importing invoice files to identify the vendor of the invoice. Values can be present in all three fields.

Change of headings on the vendor fields

To clarify what each field contains on both the vendor and the invoice, this can be configured via the Vendor Identity function as follows:

  1. Click on the respective concept to be re-titled, the following form is displayed:
  2. Change the name and description of the field to the specified content, e.g. Account No.
  3. Click Save to save the change.
  4. Repeat with other fields according to the established configuration.

Configuration of matching invoice to the correct vendor

Via the Vendor Match tab, the system can be configured for how the logic regarding matching of incoming invoices to the vendor register should work.
Click on the Vendor Match tab and select View, the following form will appear:

The headings in the form represent:

  • Priority: Ie. in which order of priority the system should try to match the invoices to the vendor.
  • VendorNo1-3: Corresponds to the fields of type "Fields in ImportSupplier" on the Vendor Identity tab and can therefore be named differently if they have been renamed.
    The headings represent the three fields of interpreted information contained in the file of an imported invoice and should be used to identify a unique vendor.

One or more rows can be created in the list to indicate the order in which incoming invoices should be matched against the vendor register. An unlimited number of matching options in order of priority can be created.

The system then searches for a unique match through the fields to match the invoice to the correct vendor.

For example, it could look like this:

An invoice comes in with three interpreted vendor values, "VendorNo1", "VendorNo2" and "VendorNo3".

The system then goes in a set order of priority to get a unique match against values in the vendor register. 

If "VendorNo1" matches "VendorID", that vendor is put on the invoice, if not the next step is checked i.e. if "VendorNo2" matches etc.

If any of the fields match two or more vendors, the system will proceed to search for a unique match. If no unique match is found, the invoice goes to the queue New vendor, either with a message that multiple vendors match or that no vendor matches.

Create a new matching option

Click the New button to open a form to create a new matching option. The following form is displayed:

Enter the information as follows:

  • Priority setup: specify the order of priority in which the matching option is to be used.
  • VendorNo1-3: Corresponds to the fields of type "Fields in ImportSupplier" on the Vendor Identitytab and can therefore be named differently if they have been renamed.

    The selections in the drop-down lists correspond to the fields in the vendor register, i.e. the rows of type "Fields in Supplier" on the Vendor Identity tab.

Multiple fields can be specified in combination for a matching option.

When selected terms are entered, click Save to save the matching option.

Delete or change the configuration of an existing matching option

Click on the matching option to be changed, and reconfigure the current values as above. Click the Save button.

Removal of an existing matching option is done with the Delete button.