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System settings - Functions

On the administration tool's System Configuration - System Settings - Functions tab, there are parameters that control details in a number of functions in the program.

We have divided these into the following groups:

Description of Function parameters

Approval rules

AllowEditInAttestUsed to control whether the coding lines should be open for editing (coding/review) when the invoice is in approval.
AllowInspectAndAttestUsed to control whether it should be allowed with the same signature in review and approval on an invoice. For the parameter, an amount must also be specified that governs whether the rule applies to invoices up to a certain amount limit. The amount limit is also available as the independent parameter MaxInspectandAttestAmount acc. below.
AllowInspectAndAttestOnExceptionUsed to control whether it should be allowed with the same signature in review and approval of special approval rules. This only applies if UseAttestHierarchy=Yes.
AutoAttestVATUsed to control whether the system should automatically approve VAT coding rows.
BaseAmountSpecifies the size of the base amount. This assumes that the UseBaseAmount parameter is active
MaxInspectAndAttestAmountUsed to specify a value expressed, in the standard currency, for what may be the maximum amount on an invoice to allow the same review and approval signature. If the invoice amount exceeds this limit, the system does not allow the same user to both review and approve an invoice. This parameter depends on the AllowInspectAndAttest being set to Yes.
RequireAttestRuleRequirement for approval rule for coding line without approval object value.
UseAllAttestorDefaultAll authorized attestants are pre-selected on the forward form.
UseAttestHierarchyUsed to control whether the system should apply hierarchical approval when approving invoices or not. Hierarchical approval means that all users who have approval rights on an invoice are forced to approve, right up to the user who has final approval and can send the invoice for payment. In the case of a non-hierarchical approval procedure, the invoice can be sent directly to the person who has the final approval instead. See further in the chapter Approval rules.
UseAttestPasswordUsed to control whether the system should require a password to be entered when an invoice approved is forwarded or saved. The parameter is not company-specific but applies to all companies in the installation.
UseBaseAmountSpecified to control whether the amount limits specified in the approval regulations are to be calculated on the basic amount or in integers for the current currency. For the parameter, the amount of the base amount must also be specified.
UseExceptionOverrideUsed to control the system so that special approval rules always trump ordinary regulations - even when applying a non-hierarchical approval procedure.
UseRadiusUse radius verification when approving. Requires UseAttestPassword is set to Yes.

Accounting settings

AllowEditBookingdateUsed to configure when/if the Posting date field should be open for editing. Sub-options for the parameter are to select per step (coding, review, and approval) whether the Posting date field can be edited. This can also be set in the parameters AllowEditBookingdateInAllocation, AllowEditBookingdateInAttest, and AllowEditBookingdateInInspect. If the parameter is set to No, the field for Posting date becomes gray and cannot be changed.
AllowEditBookingdateInAllocationUsed to configure whether it is possible to change the Posting date in the coding step. Can also be set via the AllowEditBookingdate parameter. If the parameter is set to No, the field turns gray and cannot be changed.
AllowEditBookingdateInAttestUsed to configure whether it is possible to change the Posting date in the approval step. Can also be set via the AllowEditBookingdate parameter. If the parameter is set to No, the field turns gray and cannot be changed.
AllowEditBookingdateInInspectUsed to configure whether it is possible to change the Posting date in the review step. Can also be set via the AllowEditBookingdate parameter. If the parameter is set to No, the field turns gray and cannot be changed
AllowEditVATUsed to control whether it should be allowed to edit VAT coding rows in Review and Approval. When this is set to No, the VAT coding rows are always locked in Review and Approval regardless of the settings of the parameters AllowEditInInspect and AllowEditInAttest. VAT coding rows are always editable in New Invoice Review and Exceptions Review.
ChangeBookingdateUsed to control whether the system should change the invoice posting date in connection with preliminary or final posting, in cases where the posting date is older than the parameter for MinAccountingDate (ie the invoice posting date falls in a closed period) If the parameter is set to Yes, the invoice posting date will change to the first available date in the next open period. Alternatively, the system can, when making a final booking, change to the current date if the parameter UseCurrDateforBookingDate is set to Yes.
DefaultAccountingDateUsed to set a suggested posting date for imported invoices. If the parameter does not have a date value, the system will enter the current date (i.e. import date) as the posting date on the invoice. The alternative is to enter another date in the parameter, which is then set as the proposed posting date. Useful at the end of the period when most invoices received at the beginning of a new period must have the last date in the previous period as the posting date.
MaxAccountingDateUsed to limit how far in advance the Posting date may be set on an invoice. If the Posting date is later than the parameter says, the invoice ends up in the Import error queue.
MinAccountingdateUsed to specify a minimum allowable Posting date, i.e. closing of an accounting period. Invoice sent for preliminary or final booking with Posting dates older than MinAccountingDate will, if the value of the parameter ChangeBookingDate is Yes, have the Posting date changed to the first date in the next available period. If, on the other hand, the parameter ChangeBookingDate is set to No, the invoice is returned to New Invoice Review with a message that the Posting date falls during the closed period.
UseCurrdateForBookingdateUsed for final posting to control cases where the invoice's posting date is older than MinAccountingDate, ie. falls during the closed period. If the parameter is activated, the system will instead enter the current date as the invoice posting date.
UseVATUsed to control whether special tax rules and functions for real estate companies are to be applied when coding invoices.
Used to control whether it should be possible to set different payment accounts on a vendor. Accounts are retrieved from the financial system.
If UsePaymentAccount is active, then it should be allowed to leave the field blank on an invoice.


AllowEditDueDateUsed to control whether the field Due date on the invoice should be possible to edit after preliminary posting. Can not be controlled in the same way as AllowEditBookingDate per step, but the parameter generally applies in all steps after preliminary posting.
AllowEditVerNoUsed to control whether the field Verification No in the invoice header should be open for editing. Used only in cases where the invoice application is installed without integration with ERP systems.
AllowEditInApprovalUsed to control whether it should be allowed to edit coding rows in Control Step After Approval or not. Criteria for control steps are set under the menu Business rules-Control steps in the flow.
AllowEditOrdernoUsed to control whether the field Order/purchase no. in the invoice header (on the Other tab) in the invoice application should be editable or locked.
AllowEditOrdernoInAllocationUsed to control whether it should be allowed to edit order number in coding step. Depending on whether the AllowEditOrderno parameter is active.
AllowEditOrdernoInAttestUsed to control whether it should be allowed to edit order number in approval step. Depending on whether the AllowEditOrderno parameter is active.
AllowEditOrdernoInInspectUsed to control whether it should be allowed to edit order number in review step. Depending on whether the AllowEditOrderno parameter is active.
UseWorkqueueSendUsed to show/hide the Approve button in the work queue window.


UseDefaultBookingUsed to control whether preliminary posting is to be made with balance accounts or with the invoice's coding suggestion. If the parameter is activated, the preliminary posting is made with interim posting on balance accounts in the ERP system.
UsePaymentBlockAllow payment blocking of invoices. The rights for this are set on the role form.

Coding rules

AllowIncompleteAllocationProposalProvides the opportunity to create incomplete coding suggestions.
AllowIncompleteAllocationToAttestUsed to control whether it should be allowed to send an incompletely coded invoice to approval.
AllowNoAccountAllocationProposalProvides the opportunity to create coding suggestions without an account.
AllowNoValidationInIncregUsed to control whether the system should validate the invoice's coding rows or not in connection with the invoice being sent from New Invoice Review to coding/review. If the parameter is activated, the normally applicable rules for coding control will not be checked. The parameter depends on the UseDefaultBooking parameter being turned on, i.e. it only works if preliminary posting on balance accounts is used in the integration, as otherwise, it would be a problem to do a preliminary posting on the coding suggestion from the invoice, if this is contrary to current coding rules.
UseCodeCompletionByObjectUsed to control whether automatic code completion based on the previously specified value of another coding dimension should be activated. The code supplement is set under the main menu Business rules, the menu Object relations.
UseCodeCompletionByUserUsed to control whether user-based code addition is to be applied in the system. The function means that the coding dimension value that is linked to users who create a coding row, is automatically specified when creating a new coding row. For example that the user's default cost center is specified as a suggestion. The code supplement is set on the User form/User properties for company.
UseFrequentAllocationProposalUse the most common coding as a coding suggestion.
UseQuantityUsed to control whether the coding dimension Quantity is to be used and presented on the invoices.

Accrual settings

AllowVATPeriodUsed to control whether it should be allowed to accrue VAT coding rows or not.
MaxPeriodicdateUsed to set a limit on how far ahead in time an accrual may extend.
MinPeriodicdateUsed to set a limit on how far back in time an accrual may extend.
UsePeriodicAccountUsed to control if fields to select accrual account are to be displayed on the accrual form in the invoice application. Accrual accounts are set in the ERP system or on the menu option Base register-Chart of accounts.
UsePeriodicDateUsed to control if a field to specify the start date for the accrual is to be displayed on the accrual form in the invoice application.
UsePeriodicPeriodUsed to control if a field to specify the end date for the accrual is to be displayed on the accrual form in the invoice application.
UsePeriodicTemplateUsed to control if a field to select accrual template is to be displayed in the accrual form in the invoice application. The accrual templates are retrieved from the ERP system and cannot be edited in the administration tool.

System settings

AddInvoiceToSupplierLetterUsed to always include the invoice in the supplier's letter. Depending on whether the UseSupplierLetter parameter is active.
AIAdminURLUsed to configure the path to the login page for the administration tool, the path is used when selecting to open the administration tool from the menu option Admin in the work queue window in the invoice application.
AIArchiveCategoryFieldNameUsed to enter the name of the Category field in the Contract application. The field is used to filter the search for vendor agreements. Depending on the UseArchiveLink parameter being active.
AIArchiveDocTypeFieldNameUsed to enter the name of the Document Type field in the Contract application. The field is used to filter the search for vendor agreements. Depending on the UseArchiveLink parameter being active.
AIArchiveSuppNoFieldNameUsed to enter the name of the Vendor ID field in the Contract application. The field is used to filter the search for vendor agreements. Depending on the UseArchiveLink parameter being active.
AIArchiveURLUsed to configure the path to the Contract application which is used to open Contract to search for vendor agreements. Depending on the UseArchiveLink parameter being active.
AIInvoiceURLUsed to configure the path to the login page for the invoice application, which is used when opening invoices exported via search/reports to Excel sheets.
AllowBatchApproveAllProvides the ability to approve all invoices in batch view by double-clicking on the header. NOTE! Can only be activated for SYSTEM, not per company.
AllowCreateReplacerUsed to control whether all users should be able to choose which person should be the user's substitute in the event of absence. If the parameter is set to No, all users must have at least one predefined substitute and only the date period can be specified in the invoice application. Substitutes are administered under the main menu Organization option Substitutes.
AllowEditInInspectUsed to control whether the coding rows should be open for editing when the invoice is in the review step.
AllowSearchMessageUsed to control whether it should be allowed to add messages to invoices via the system's search function. There is no additional authorization check for the function, i.e. if the parameter is turned on, all users will be able to create messages on invoices via the search function - regardless of whether the invoice is active (with an administrator) or finalized and only archive material.
AutoInspectInvoicesUsed to activate automatic review as "SYSTEM" on all coding rows that are created in connection with automatic coding during import. The checkbox to review the whole invoice is ticked on all invoices and new rows created have "SYSTEM" as review signature, but the box can be unchecked if necessary.
CheckCurrencyUsed to check if the invoice currency differs from the vendor's default currency. If this is the case and the parameter is activated, the system creates a system message on the invoice which points this out and draws the attention of the administrators in New Invoice Review for an extra check that the currency is correct.
ConnectToDebetUsed to automatically link credit invoices with an invoice in the Credit Memo queue.
CreateSupplierAllocationProposalCreate coding suggestions automatically when a vendor is imported, this only applies to certain ERP systems.
ShowAllUnitsUsed to control which companies should be selectable when an invoice is canceled/invalidated and restarted. If the parameter is activated, all companies in the installation are displayed, if the parameter is deactivated, only the companies to which the user performing the restart is connected are displayed.
UseArchiveLinkDisplays the Agreement button under Previous Invoices in the invoice application which is used to display the agreements with the vendor that is available in the Contract application. NOTE! This requires that the customer has a license for the Contract application. If the parameter is set to Yes, settings are made for the path and filtering of search results with the parameters AIArchiveCategoryFieldName, AIArchiveDocTypeFieldName, AIArchiveSuppNoField, and AIArchiveURL. The button is authorized at the role level.
UseComplaintUse the complaint function.
UseHyphenSupplierMatchUsed to control whether the system should take hyphens into account when matching vendors.
UseInvoiceCreditUse the opportunity to send an invoice to be credited to a specific step.
UseInvoiceSplitProvides the ability to split invoices.
UseLoginUsed to control whether the invoice application standard login dialog is used or not. When deactivating this, it is assumed that the so-called Single Sign-On should be used, which also means that users' AD accounts have read permissions to the file structures for the Admin and Invoice applications.
UsePasswordResetUsed to allow users to replace a forgotten password.
UsePersonalRolesUsed to select whether personal roles should be displayed/used when administering roles and permissions in the administration tool.
UseSupplierletterUsed to activate the function to, directly in the Invoice application, be able to create standard letters to send to vendors. The letters are automatically added as attachments to the current invoice. It is also possible to add different logos and footers for different companies in the installation.
UseUnitErrorQueueUsed to activate the function for a separate error queue for the invoices that are missing/have the wrong company.

Taxes And Fees

UseTAFHeadUse the specification for taxes and fees on the invoice header.
UseTAFNetAmountView the remaining coding amount as net for taxes and fees.
UseTAFRowsUse tax and fee indicators on coding rows. Read more about this in Setup of taxes and fees
UseVATCodeUsed to activate the VAT code function in connection with the import of invoices, i.e. so that checks are made against the vendor for control if VAT code is specified and that any associated VAT distribution/coding rows are automatically applied to the invoice.