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Invoice import settings


In the administration tool's menu option System configuration - Import - Invoice import settings, configuration of the invoice application's internal data formats takes place, after conversion of incoming file formats for scanned/interpreted invoices alt. e-invoice format.

Invoice import settings menu options are mainly used in connection with the installation and basic configuration of the system, after which the function settings rarely or never need to be changed.

Configure Invoice Import Settings

Select the function Import - Invoice import settings.

Click View to view the current invoice import configuration. The following form is displayed:

Click on the row with information about invoice import settings and the following form will appear:

The upper part of the form for editing the invoice import settings contains information that defines the internal invoice data format that can be received by the invoice application.

The following fields must be specified:

ActiveHere it is marked whether the import configuration is active or not, if the configuration is left inactive, it means that it is saved but will not be used for import.
NameHere, the name of the current invoice import setting must be entered, used to separate different import settings for different companies.
DescriptionA clarification of the above name.
SeparatorHere is how the invoice information is delimited in the internal format.
Number of separatorsHere you specify how many delimiters there should be in the internal format.
Document separatorSpecifies the character used as the separator between the invoice images in the image file name field.
Company type

Here it is stated in what form the company is specified in the internal data format. The following options are available:

  • Id: Ie. numeric ID for the company in the invoice application.
  • Company name: The company name in plain text, must be the same as the company name in the invoice application.
  • External company: The same name used in an external system (normally the ERP system) and which is stated in the administration tool as an external company name.
CustomerHere the customer's name is stated, must be the same as the installation name.

The lower part of the form provides information that is used for the invoice application to be able to send E-mail if an import fails.

The following fields must be specified:

E-mail serverHere the name of the current SMTP mail server must be entered.
Sender (e-mail address)Here, a valid e-mail account must be specified as the sender.
Sender (Name)Here, the sender's name must be stated in plain language.
Recipient (e-mail address)Here it must be stated who will receive the email when an import fails. If several e-mail addresses are specified, these must be separated by a semicolon.
HeadingHere is the subject of the e-mail sent in case of failed invoice import.
MessageHere is the message to be displayed in e-mail in case of failed invoice import.

When the settings for reading invoice information and email notification in the event of an import error are specified, the information is saved by clicking the Save button.