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  • The history cards now show that they are clickable
    If the user now moves the mouse pointer over any card in the History section, it is more clearly shown that these can be opened.

  • Inactivated accounts/objects are now also suggested in search 
    When using search, deactivated accounts/objects in the customer's register are now also suggested when searching for specific coding.

  • Sort order in search view is saved
    The chosen sort order in search is saved between sessions.

  • Easy access to Expense 
    Get direct access to the administration of expenses through a new icon in the black menu.

  • Timestamp added to Verification column Date created
    In the queue Verification, we have the column "Date created", which now also shows what time the invoice arrived.

  • Adjust layout – Batch view
    The user now has the option to adjust the WorkQueue window in the application to show a larger invoice image.

  • Updated settings
    Settings have been updated and the user now remains in the same section of the application and has the option to adjust the settings without navigating to a new page.

    The Profile section has also been updated and settings for E-mail notifications are now available.

  • Easier access to company filters
    Filters for companies have been lifted and are now also found directly above the queues which makes it easier for the user to switch between the different companies assigned to the user.
    This information also remains under the "Filter" button and, as before, the button lights up red if a filter has been applied

  • Changed listing of roles
    Previously, all roles assigned to the user were listed above the queues in the system.
    These have now been moved into a drop-down which is also searchable and can be found at the top of the application above the queues.

  • Handle corrupt files when bundling PDFs 

    Should the system perceive any of the pdf files to be merged as corrupt, MediusGo will inform about this by adding a first page with this information where the invoice(s) that could not be merged are also printed in text.

  • Updated company dropdown in error queue
    The dropdown to select company on invoices in Import error queue now has filter and sorting like other company dropdowns.



  • Drop down's size was adjusted incorrectly
    When allocating an invoice and there were values with long names or descriptions that would show in the drop-down, the size for this could adjust incorrectly.

  • Updated translation regarding license popup
    An updated translation has been added to the info box that appears to the user when the system needs to inform about the MediusGo license.

  • Print - All pages not included
    When printing an invoice image from the invoice window, it could happen that not all pages were included.

  • Couldn't change the document type on attachments
    If the user chose to change the document type of an attachment, this was not saved after edit.

  • When exporting an invoice, the system could reset the status
    If customization occurred in the customer's environment that changed the booking status generated, the system could change this to an incorrect status.

  • Retrieving TAF objects by account
    When the system was to retrieve TAF objects based on accounts, matching of this did not seem to be carried out correctly.

  • Sort order wrong in Verification queue 

    When sorting by Date created, this was not done correctly and the invoices could be displayed in the wrong order