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  • Copy coding row.
    It is now possible to copy the above coding row with Shift+Enter

  • Dashboard - Average handle time.
    New graph in the Dashboard, Average handlde time. This shows the time in days from when the invoice is loaded until it is final posted.

  • Dashboard - New sorting order.
    Changed sorting in the Dashboard for the lists below. We now show in the order of highest percentage at the top and not in company name order. 
    • Autocoded
    • Autoflow
    • Touchless

  • No email reminders on weekends.
    The system no longer sends out reminders regarding newly received or delayed invoices during the weekend. Should invoices have arrived during this period and they are still available on Monday morning, the user will be notified then instead.

  • New system parameter for PO matching.
    New parameter "KeepTrackOfMatchableQuantity". The parameter (yes/no) determines whether MediusGo should keep track of and update the customer's deliveries with the correct matchable quantity or not. This has previously been available as an add-on in the product, but is now available as standard.

  • Updates for PO matching.
    • The invoice number is now displayed instead of the InvoiceID in the message referring to item lines already linked to an existing invoice. 
    • Updates regarding which status is displayed on the invoice, now it is clearer which invoice the users need to focus on.
    • Adjustments to automatic distribution of the invoice upon approved match  

  • Update regarding how new item lines are applied to the invoice.
    When the user chooses to open up the item form on an invoice to replace an existing line, the new line will take its place and no longer be applied at the end.
    If several rows are selected and they are not consecutive, we cannot determine where they should be implemented and they will then be placed at the end as before. 


  • Storage of historical data
    We will no longer store historical register data from ERP, such as suppliers and chart of accounts, in separate tables.

  • Rework of the function that keeps track of time limits

  • Updated the function that sends postings to the ERP


  • Verification - open next automatically.
    In the Capture verification queue, sometimes the first invoice in the queue was opened instead of the next invoice.

  • Coding row was saved several times.
    The coding row could be saved twice on the invoice if the user chose to press "Save" twice quickly.

  • Wrong number was displayed in filter.
    If filters were used in the work queue, the filtered number was not updated when new invoices arrived, only the total number was updated.

  • Date on Add Replacer.
    When you chose to add or update your own replacers, it was not possible to save if the "Date from" was older than the current date.

  • Reference with |.
    If a reference contained a pipe character ( | ), it was not possible to forward the invoice.

  • Property tax and credit invoices.
    Applying Property tax via TAF did not work correctly with credit invoices.

  • Prevent the application from trying to open a page that does not exist.
    When queues have invoices on multiple pages, it could happen that the application tried to open a page that no longer existed.

  • Search could sometimes not be performed.
    We have seen in our logs that errors sometimes occurred when searching invoices

  • Error message was not removed.
    When navigating between invoices, validation errors in the invoice header (if any) were not reset, but the message and value from the previous invoice were included.

  • Focus when opening forms.
    On the forms for creating a coding template and creating accruals, the focus has been changed when the forms are opened so that it should be possible to write directly.

  • Wrong decimals in batch processing.
    When batch processing invoices that contained 3 decimal places in its coding, it could happen that these were reformatted to 2 and the invoice then received the error that it was not fully coded.

  • It was not possible to update the accrual of an archived invoice.

  • Could not send a fully approved invoice back to the approval step.

  • Duplicate rows could be displayed on the vendor lists in the Dashboard.

  • Sorting of columns in the Dashboard did not work as desired.

  • Import of vendors replaced values already set by Capture.

  • Incorrect link to retrieve TAF indicators on GET command via the API.

  • "Load rows from order" did not handle accrued coding rows.

  • When "Load rows from order", the amount on the item row could be rounded incorrectly and then show a matching error.

  • No information was listed on the Item Form.
    If the form was opened from an unsaved item row, no information could be displayed.

  • The Due Date, Posting Date and OCR No. fields were locked in the Matching error step.
    These will now be unlocked by default unless preliminary posting on import is used.

  • Items applied from forms were displayed in an incorrect format if the user had Swedish set.  

  • Item rows were not removed correctly from an invoice if rows were added/removed from the Item Form