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  • Expanded search results
    The application now supports extended search results and can now display all rather than the previous limitation of 500 invoices.

  • Switch between invoices in search results
    When opening an invoice in the searched result, it will now be possible to go to the next / previous invoice in this result.

  • Export complete search result
    Since the possibility of now being able to get a larger search result than before has a "select all" been implemented in search, which gives the possibility to select all invoices in the searched result even if this would result in several pages and then gives the possibility to export this result based on a selection in the scroll list.

  • URL in exported Excel made clickable
    When exporting search results, the invoice link will now be clickable in the report.

  • Ability to move the Forward button
    Added profile setting to give the user the ability to shift the position of the Forward button
  • Optimized invoice handling in the application for a faster experience
    When opening and handling invoices, the system has been optimized to provide even faster handling of the invoice.

  • Dynamic display of multiple queues
    When using the batch view where queues previously had to be displayed on multiple rows, arrows will now appear to indicate that there are more queues for the user to choose from. This is to give more space to the invoices in the selected queue.

  • Templates are now sorted by name
    When searching for templates when allocating an invoice, these are now sorted by name.

  • Remove prefilled “invoice date” in search
    When opening Search from an invoice, the invoice date will no longer be prefilled

  • Change pointer on label-selector
    The system now indicates more clearly when you as a user can press the buttons inside when selecting labels.


  • Supplier name added
    Supplier name has been added to the INVOICE endpoint

Bugs / Adjustments 

  • Slow loading of invoices in workqueue
    Optimizations have been implemented to load the invoices selected in the work queue faster.

  • Search with wildcard in verification no. does not work as expected
    When applying a wildcard search in verification numbers, this search was not carried out correctly.

  • Frequent allocation does not work in new application
    Should the user specify “Most common” when coding, it could happen that the row was not applied if this choice was selectable for the customer.

  • Coding marks/picks the "wrong" item from the list
    When allocating, the closest specified value was not suggested / marked for the user. Instead, the user had to find this value based on the suggested list that was presented.

  • Mismatch between image & information
    When using the arrows to navigate to next / previous invoice and this happened in rapid succession combined with a slightly slower connection. The loading of information / image could happen inconsistently and incorrect information could then be displayed for the image.
    A limitation on this has been applied and we do not allow the user to move on to the next invoice until all data has been loaded on the one they are currently on.

  • Rounding in case of reverse VAT
    When applying a template where rows existed that should take out each other, it could happen that these were rounded off incorrectly and did not match up.

  • Custom report search criteria
    When searching / handling the customized reports, it could happen that the result did not agree with the search option specified by the user

  • TAF templates could be applied twice
    When allocation / handling an invoice in the system, it could happen that, in the case of a special combination, a TAF template was applied twice belonging to the parent row.

  • Attest right is involved when saving an archived invoice.
    Admin tries to change a value in a finally booked or paid invoice to have the correct value in example project dimension. Value cannot be saved due to the previous approvers rights as that project is not “his/hers” to approve.

  • Automatic creation of allocation proposal based on supplier
    When using the TAF function in the system, these templates were not created correctly if the customer's financial system supports this

  • Copy coding from previous invoice did not update the coding row id correctly
    When copying coding from a previous invoice, it could happen that two rows on the invoice's coding were selected, which caused that during further handling of the allocation, one row could be emptied of information.

  • Incorrect application of filters
    When applying a filter regarding coding, it could happen that the system did not list any invoices in the queue even though there were invoices that matched the specified filter.
    On other occasions, the filter would display more invoices than anticipated, due to the application not taking the filtered company into account.

  • Filter -  Clear coding when unit change
    If a filter has been applied regarding the allocation under the company, and the user then changes the company in the head in the work queue, filters related to the coding were not emptied and it could then happen that no invoices were displayed.

  • Open the next invoice automatically - Capture verification
    When using "Open the next invoice automatically" in the Verification queue, it happened that an error message was displayed when approving the last invoice in this particular queue.

  • Invoice is not always unlocked
    Sometimes when navigating away from an invoice the invoice is not unlocked. This happened because the system did not perceive that the user had the opportunity to unlock the invoice. This often happened in connection with the user using the previous / next arrows inside the invoice in combination with a slightly slower connection.

  • Cannot send license email
    Licensing emails sent from the application did not go through correctly.

  • Cannot match expense report to invoice no starting with 0
    When trying to retrieve expense reports from invoices that started with 0, this did not work.

  • Accrual - Rows not always visible
    When applying accruals to several coding rows at the same time, these could be displayed incorrectly to the user after choosing to open them all again.

  • Accrual - Rows not deleted correctly
    Accrual rows were not correctly removed from the system if these had been saved to the invoice.

  • Extended allocation - icons hidden by navbar
    If the Coding block were to be expanded together with the navbar, some of the icons assigned to the coding rows could be hidden.

  • Time limit column does not format datetime to current user locale
    Should the user choose to adjust the language, the "Time limit" column did not follow the date format correctly

  • Fix replacer dropdown position
    The drop-down list has been updated to be locked to the button more clearly if you choose to adjust the size of the application

  • Duplicates of queues could appear
    If a user, chose to switch between their roles several times in a row, it could happen that the same queue was listed multiple times in the application.

  • Search - label column too narrow
    When the label column in the search result is placed to the left of a column with values aligned to the left there were sometimes too little space between columns.

  • Blank page displayed upon login in
    If a user logged into the system without an assigned license volume, the page was blank.

  • Dashboard invoice list scrolling is displayed wrong
    Should the user choose to proceed from the dashboard from one of the bars, where the result was displayed outside the application, scroll navigation was not used correctly

  • License information - Consumed volume bar goes outside the pop up
    If the consumed volume or elapsed time exceeded the allocated volume by a greater percentage than 100%, then this bar could pass the specified box for this.

  • Toggle button placement is off
    Adjusted the position of the show / hide buttons belonging to the different categories inside the invoice as these were not completely centered.