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Create invoice

Below the list of invoices in New Invoice Review there's a button called Create invoice. This is used to quickly register an invoice and send it into the flow.

Click on the button and select in which company the invoice should be registered and then an empty invoice window will open. 

Fill in the information that should be in the invoice header, the following fields are mandatory:

  • Invoice no.
  • Invoice amount
  • VendorID
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Posting date

Type a message if there is one, and code the invoice in the usual way. It is also possible to review and approve the invoice in this window.

Add image

When you have an invoice to be registered, either scanned or sent as an attachment in an email, save it on your own computer.

There are then two ways to add that image to the invoice you are creating

  • Use the Choose an image button above the image window and find the correct invoice image
  • Click on the invoice file and drag it into the invoice window and drop it over the invoice information.

Send invoice

When all information is filled in, the invoice should be sent into the workflow via the Forward button.

Cancel / Send and open the next invoice automatically

By ticking the Open next invoice automatically check box, the next invoice in the working queue Incoming invoices will be displayed immediately after the invoice has been forwarded or when you select Cancel. This is unlike if the check box is unchecked, as Forward/Cancel means that the queue is displayed again for manual selection of invoice to handle.

When you click the Forward button, the following forms are displayed:

Send options

The following main options are available to send an invoice from Incoming invoices:

  • Coding (displayed only if the system is set to use separate coding stage)
  • Review, sends the invoice to recipients for review.
  • Approve, sends the invoice for approval. The alternative requires that the entire invoice is coded and that all rows are reviewed.
  • Payment, the alternative requires that the entire invoice is coded and that all rows are reviewed and approved.
  • Invalidate. This option requires that notification of the reason for the invalidation is specified. When a message is written, the Restart Invoice check box opens, which is used if an invoice is imported to the wrong company. The alternative requires that notification of the reason for the invalidation is stated, and that companies are chosen for restarting the invoice.

Forward the invoice

When send options, other options and addressees are specified, the invoice is forwarded by clicking the OK button. Cancel the form by clicking the Cancel button.

No image selected

If you receive the message "No image selected" even though you have selected an image it's because it has been too long since you started the invoice and the session has expired. Click Log Out, and then log in again.