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Who is suggested as recipient

When an invoice is sent, there are several things that control who is suggested as a recipient on the Send form.

To review


The reference on the invoice can be linked to a specific user in the reference register or the reference can match a user's signature. In both cases, the user linked to the reference will be proposed as the recipient.

Read more about references in the article Invoice references.

Flow template

This can be a flow template of the coding suggestion used. Read more about this in the article Coding suggestion.

A flow template can also be selected on the Send form and then the user in the template is automatically suggested.

Read more about this in the article Forward the invoice.

Object allegiance of users

There can be an Object allegiance for a specific user so that the coding of the invoice controls who is suggested.

On the user form, under User properties for company, there are two tabs with the heading Object allegiance.

If the coding of the invoice matches any of the values on these tabs, the user in question will be suggested as a recipient.

Read more about this in the article Add new user.

To approval


The user's specified supervisor is automatically suggested as the recipient. The supervisor is specified in the administration tool under Organization-User, read more about this in the article Add new user.

Approval hierarchy

If approval hierarchy is used, the user who has the right to approve in the next step is proposed.