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Confidential invoices

Marking an invoice as confidential may be applicable for invoices with sensitive information, e.g. invoices from doctors' appointments, etc. The function requires that one or more roles in the system have been assigned authorization to be a confidentiality caseworker. Only the persons belonging to the role with confidentiality authorization have the opportunity to become the caseworker for a confidential invoice. 

Confidential invoices in MediusGo

Settings for the caseworkers of a confidentiality invoice are made in the New Invoice Review.

Click on the button and the following form appears:

Tick the checkbox and the authorization settings are displayed.

Select one or more users in each step and click OK. When the invoice is sent, it will automatically go to the users selected here and other users cannot be selected on the Send form.

Tips for selecting addressees:

  • Filter the list by typing in the text box.
  • Select all users in the list by clicking Select all.
  • Remove previously selected choices by clicking Clear selection.


If the users you select have replacers, the replacer will also be able to see the confidential invoices when working in the confidential user's personal queue.

Approval hierarchy

If approval hierarchy is used, select the final approver in the Approval box.

Search rights

In the Search access rights option, it is only possible to select roles that, in addition to the users who handle the invoice, should be able to search for the current invoice.

Change recipients

If any recipient needs to be changed after the invoice has been sent from New Invoice Review, it must be sent to Exceptions Review. There it is possible to edit recipients on the form.

Confidential settings in the Administration tool

Confidential vendor

In the vendor register, it is possible to mark vendors as confidential so that all invoices from them automatically become confidential invoices. This is done by opening the relevant vendor in the administration tool and checking the confidentiality box. 

A confidential-marked vendor will always go to the New Invoice Review to set permissions for the specific invoice.

Permissions for confidential invoices

Authorization to handle confidential invoices is set on the role form in the administration tool. Open the relevant role, select a company, and go to the tab Other access rights. These options are relevant:

  • Confidential access rights: Used to give the role the right to view and search confidential invoices.
  • Confidential invoice administrator: Used to control whether the role should have permission to change access to archived confidential invoices via the search function.