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Past due invoices


The purpose of the step Delayed invoices is for the finance department to see what invoices have not been processed on time and thus risk not being paid on time.

A copy of the invoices that have not been processed within the set time limits in one of the steps Coding, Review or Approval are sent to the Delayed Invoices step. 

Time limits

The settings for time limits are found under System configuration - System settings - Flow in the administration tool.

The parameters in question are:

  • DeadlineAlloc for step Coding
  • DeadlineInspection for step Review.
  • DeadlineAttest for step Approval.

The time limit is set in % and regulates how much time of the invoice's payment terms can elapse before the time limit is passed in the step.

The queue Past Due Invoices

After the deadline has passed, a copy of the invoice is sent to the Past Due Invoices group queue for which one or more agents may have permissions, typically finance personnel. The invoice is then available both at the regular recipient and in the queue Past Due Invoices. Who has the original invoice is shown in the invoice's history.

Measures for invoices in the queue Past due invoices

There are two alternative approaches regarding queue Past due invoices:

  • It can be used actively to keep track of invoices that are not processed on time, whereby the queue is reviewed regularly and the invoices are controlled and if necessary sent  to other users who can handle them.

    If regular users have time to open and process / send the invoice, the copy will be deleted in the allotted time.

    If the financial administrator has time to open and return the invoice to another administrator first, the "original" will be removed from regular users.

  • The queue can be completely hidden and in the background without any user using the function. The invoices then remain with users until they are forwarded by him, or alternatively that they are moved by the administrator to Invoice Exceptions Review and addressed to another user.