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Past due invoices


Delayed invoices is for the finance department to see what invoices have not been processed on time and thus risk not being paid on time.

Invoices that have not been processed within the set time limits in one of the steps Coding, Review or Approval are shown in the Delayed Invoices step. 

Time limits

Settings for time limits are found under System configuration - System settings - Flow in the administration tool.

The parameters in question are:

  • DeadlineAlloc - step Coding
  • DeadlineInspection - step Review.
  • DeadlineAttest - step Approval.

Time limit is set in % and regulates how much time of the invoice's payment terms can elapse before the time limit is passed in the step.

The queue Past Due Invoices

After the deadline has passed, the invoice is shown in the Past Due Invoices group queue for which one or more agents may have permissions, typically finance personnel. The invoice is then available both at the regular recipient and from the queue Past Due Invoices. Which recipient has the invoice is shown in the invoice's history.

Measures for invoices in the queue Past due invoices

There are two alternative approaches regarding queue Past due invoices:

  • It can be used actively to keep track of invoices that are not processed on time, the administrator thus goes through the queue and has the opportunity to redistribute invoices that should not / cannot be processed by the previously selected approver. If the administrator needs to, they are able to redistribute the invoice from this que.
  • The queue can be completely hidden. Then the reminder function to users with “You have invoices that are about to expire” is the only thing that is controlled by this queue - by settings from the set time limit as described above.