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Approval hierarchy

Approval hierarchy in MediusGo means that several people must approve the same row before the invoice is sent for payment, the role with the lowest amount starts to approve.

When several attestores' signatures are present on the same coding row, the most recent one is shown in blue and clicking on it displays the previous attestores.

To use hierarchical approval rules, the system parameter UseAttestHierarchy under System configuration - System settings - Functions must be set to Yes for the current company.

Approval rules

In order for the hierarchy to take effect, the approval rules under Approval rules - Approval rules must be administered so that several different users/roles are given authorization on the same coding value but with different amount limits.

Approval rights are set on roles where two things need to be specified

  1. Amount - how much should the user be authorized to approve.
  2. Values - what coding values should the user be authorized to approve.
    This is described in more detail in the article Approval rights - Basics.

Enter amounts for approval rights

On the role form, two different amounts should be entered for the approval rights

  1. Maximum approval amount per invoice:
    This should always be Unlimited, see Image 1.
  2. General approval amount:
    The amount the role should be able to finalize is set as the General approval amount.
    If the General amount is SEK 100, this means that the role that approve coding rows below SEK 100 can send the invoice for payment, if the amount exceeds SEK 100, the system refers the invoice to the next role/approver with a higher General amount. 

(Image 1)

When you go to Approval rules - Approval rules, according to the article Who has appproval rights? there should be several roles with approval rights for the same value.

The picture shows three roles that have approval rights but with different amounts. 

When the invoice is to be approved, it is first sent to the role with the lowest amount (1) then to the role with (4000) as general amount to be finally approved by someone with unlimited amount. 

  • In this case, the role Hierarki1 has no final approval right because the amount (1) is far too low. 
  • The role Hierarki2 has the possibility to final approve the coding rows that are less than SEK 4000, i.e. no one else needs to approve these rows. 
  • The coding rows that are more than SEK 4000 must be approved by a third person.

Special approval rules

How Special approval rules are set up is described in the article Special approval rules, but to create a hierarchical function for a special approval rule, the rule should be set up several times (the same combination of coding dimensions, e.g. account 5010 and cost center 11) but with different approval amounts.

Assign different roles to the different rules in order to achieve hierarchy function on the special approval rule.


When the approval rules are set up, the invoices will go to the attestors in order of amount. When the invoice is sent from review to approval, the users who have the lowest approval right on the invoice's account will be proposed. When the first person has approved their rows and is about to send the invoice on, the next step's attestors will be selectable. An invoice must pass all the amount levels until it is approved by a person who has enough General approval amount to cover the approved amount.

Please note!

It is not possible to skip steps in the hierarchy. The invoice must be approved by all steps in order of amount.

Flow templates

If flow templates are used in the approval hierarchy, the attestor with the lowest amount is entered on the flow template form. Then the invoice is sent according to the set approval rules.

Confidential invoices

If an invoice is marked as a Confidential invoice, the final approver must be selected in the approval step on the confidentiality form on the invoice.