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Special approval rules


Special approval rules are used in MediusGo to specify exceptions to the regular approval rules. 

Special approval rules are not controlled by the approval object dimension, but rules can be created freely on all dimensions of the coding string.

The special approval rules are used as an addition to the ordinary approval rules to, for example, assign a person who normally has a relatively low approval amount on an account according to the ordinary rules, a higher approval amount for a given combination of, for example, account and cost center.

View special approval rules

To see the special approval rules you have set up in the system, go to Approval rules - Special approval rules and click on View. The boxes at the top of the page can be used to filter the list by specific account value.

Create/edit Special approval rule

  1. Go to Approval rules - Special approval rules.
  2. Click on the New button at the top of the page, or click on an existing rule in the list, and the following form will appear:
  3. Define what the special approval rule should look like.
    1. Select the coding values
      The form displays the entire coding string, which in the example above includes account, kst and project.
      To create a new special approval rule, enter values for the relevant coding dimensions either by directly entering them in the respective fields or by searching for them via the button to the right of the field.
      If you use % in your regular approval rule, it is possible to do this here as well.
    2. Enter the date
      Enter the date from and to when the rule will apply.
    3. Enter the amount
      Enter the maximum amount that can be approved on the specified coding values.
    4. Active?
      Select if the rule should be active immediately or if it should be activated later.
  4. Select the roles to which the rule will apply by selecting them in the Selectable roles list and moving them to the Selected roles list with the arrows.
  5. Save the rule by clicking on the Save button, the new rule will then appear in the list of Special approval rules.

Adding special approval rule to role

  1. Find the role under Organization - Roles and open it.
  2. Select the current company.
  3. Click on the tab Special approval rules
  4. In the Selectable special approval rules list, the rules for which the current role does not have approval rights are displayed.
    The Selected special approval rules list shows the rules for which the current role has approval rights.
    Add/remove special approval rules on the role by clicking on the < and > buttons.
  5. Save the changes with the Save button.