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Flow templates

A flow template is a complete workflow containing both the stages that the invoice should pass and which users should be selected to handle the invoice in each stage.

Under the administration tool's main menu Business rules, there is a function for managing flow templates.

Create a new flow template

Use the button  to open the form to create a new flow template, the following forms will appear:

Enter the Name and Description of the flow template and go through the tabs for the stages that the template should include selecting the users who will handle the invoice in each stage. 

The list of users can be filtered by typing in the boxes above each column. The Show personal queues check box can also be used for filtering, when checked, all possible recipients in the system are displayed and when checked out, only group queues are displayed.

Select and move users from the left list (Selectable users) to the right list (Selected users). When the flow template is complete, it is saved with the Save button.

To keep in mind!

Flow templates do not give the right to approve invoices, but only indicate to whom the invoice should be sent. 

Approval rules must always be set up for a person to be able to approve.

Graphically display the flow template

To see what the template looks like, click on Show flow template in graphical form, the following image is displayed:

View/Edit/Delete flow templates

Open the Flow Templates menu item under the main Business Rules menu, click   and the following list appears:

The templates in the list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers

  • To change an existing flow template, click on the template in the list and a form will be displayed with all the template properties specified. Make the necessary changes in the template for steps and users, save the changes with Save.
  • To remove a flow template, click the template in the list, and then click Delete.
    If the message "It was not possible to delete the flow template! (It is probably linked to a rule that uses the template)" is displayed, the template is linked to a coding suggestion. Remove the template from the coding suggestion first and then try to remove it again.