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Capture in the Administration tool

Getting started with Capture is easy!

If Medius internal invoice interpretation Capture is set up and ready, those who have the Invoice Administrator role in the system will see the queue Capture Verification.

To see which email address(es) are linked to your company, go to the queue Capture Verification and click on the button Email addresses in Capture

Next to the company name, you will find the email address linked to that company: 

Via the "copy" function at the end of the email address, you can easily take it with you and send a first test invoice to the company. It takes about 3-5 minutes for an invoice to be imported, and you are up and running!


The vendor register needs to be sent to Capture in order for the vendors to be eligible there. 

When first set up, it is already done by a technician at MediusGo, but if you set up a new vendor in the financial system and want to trigger the transfer to Capture for faster handling (can be done as soon as the vendor is in MediusGo Admin), do as follows:

Go to Admin - Basie Reister - Vendors - Vendors and click on the Send vendors to Capture button.