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Select the User option on the Organization page.

Select companies and possible units in the drop lists at the top of the page

To view existing users, click the View button. Using the Signature, First Name, and Last Name fields, you can narrow down the selection of users you want to view.

  • To edit an existing user, click on the current user and the user form will appear.
  • To create a new user, click the New button and the form for creating a new user will appear.

Information to enter on the form

ActiveSelect whether the user should be active. A user who is not marked as active cannot log in to the system.
LanguageChoose which language the user should work in.
SignatureSpecify which signature the user should be associated with. The signature is used (in combination with the password) to log in to the system.
First nameEnter the user's first name.
Last nameEnter the user's last name.
PasswordEnter the password that will apply in combination with the signature when logging in.
Mail addressEnter the user's email address. This e-mail address is used in the system to make automatic notifications/reminders when a document in the archive is approaching the due date.
CompanySelect which company (or which companies) the user should be authorized to work within the system.

Administration privileges for the user

Administration privileges are assigned directly per user and per company.

Select a company from the list and specify which administration privileges the user should have. If a user does not have any administrative privileges, these choices can be omitted.

Change mail receiver

On the Users page, there is also the button Change mail receiver. This is used to easily replace a user who receives automatic notifications/reminders for registered documents. This is useful, for example, if a user quits or changes tasks and no longer needs these emails. Click on the button Change mail receiver on the form that opens you choose which user is to be replaced and who the new recipient is to be.

Delete user

Delete a user by clicking on it in the list and then clicking Delete.