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The purpose of roles is to assign users properties and permissions instead of specifying the permissions directly on the user. This facilitates administration in the event of staff changes, as it is only the holder of a role that needs to be changed instead of re-administering all the characteristics of a successor.

Create/change roles

To maintain roles, select the Role option.

Select companies and possible units in the drop lists at the top of the page

To view existing roles, click the View button. Using the Name and Description fields, you can narrow down the selection of the roles you want to view.

  • To edit an existing role, click on the current role and the role form will appear.
  • To create a new role, click the New button and the form for creating a new role will appear.

Information to enter on the form

NameEnter the name that will identify the role. It is an advantage to name the roles with a prefix that makes it clear which unit/legal entity the role is authorized to, e.g. "Demo_Search_Agree" which states that it is a role within the unit Demo that gives users in the role the right to search within the category agreement.
DescriptionEnter a supplementary description of the role.
Register new documents from diskThe role has access to the main menu function to register documents selected from disk/network drive.
Search documentsThe role has access to the main menu function for searching for documents.
Register new documents from queueThe role has access to the main menu function to register documents from a queue.
Download filesThe role has the authority to save a local copy of the documents that are searched.
Delete documentsThe role has the authority to delete registered documents
Role is connected to these companiesChoose which companies the role should belong to. The left pane shows potential companies to link the role to and the right pane shows which companies the role has already been linked to.

Company-unique properties/authorizations are assigned by selecting one company at a time under the heading Active company.

Under the tabs that are activated, the role is linked to the following:

UnitSelect which units the role should have access to.
UserSelect which users should be linked to the current role.
QueueSelect which queues the role should have access to. Read more about queues in a separate chapter.
Registration-/Search rightsFor each unit to which the role is linked, you choose which categories and document types the role should be able to handle.


To delete a role, click it in the list, and then click Delete.