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FAQ - About Azure & New Application

  • How big a change is the new application/interface for our users?
    The new interface is designed to look more modern and educational, we have of course also kept in mind that no user should have to learn all over again. As a user, you will really recognize yourself and be able to navigate without any problems. The basic functionality is the same!

  • What is the easiest way to get information about how the new interface works?
    We have lots of articles, in English, about the new interface in our customer portal, you find those here.
    We also have several webinars in Swedish that you can find here.

  • How long time ahead do you announce the move?

    We inform about the downtime at least 14 days before the move takes place in the form of an information page that all users see when logging in to the system.

  • How long is the estimated downtime associated with the switch to the new platform?
    The move is expected to take one working day. On the date you are scheduled to move, you will not be able to access your MediusGo environment, and the day after the move you will log in to the new address.

  • Will there be any increased cost for us with the move?
    You will maintain the same cost as you have under your contract today.

  • Do we use the same link as today when we log in to the application after the migration?
    After the migration, you will log in via - unless notified otherwise before the move.

  • Does the link for historical invoices need to be updated in ERP after the move?

    For some financial systems, the link on historical invoices needs to be updated, for example in Visma where the link after the move should be formatted as below.

  • Will our users be affected in any way when it comes to logging in? 
    They will log in with an email address instead of a signature as previously used, and login will be via All users keep their existing password.

  • Why do all users need a unique email address?
    After the move to Azure and the new MediusGo, you log in with your email address. The address, therefore, needs to be unique in order for the system to know who is logging in - quite simply!

  • What do we need to do as a customer?
    It is different from customer to customer, our ambition is that it should be as little as possible.
    In the event that you need to do something, you will be informed in good time before the move.

  • Will the mobile interface work as before?
    Yes, as a result of the move, you will receive two addresses to log in - one for computer login and one for mobile login. If you want to add a bookmark or read more about this, you can find the article here.

  • Will our settings in the form of business rules, approval rules, and the like remain?
    All settings and parameters will be set in the same way as before.
    This also applies to business rules and approval rules.

  • What is Azure and why is MediusGo switching to Azure?
    Microsoft Azure is one of the industry-leading cloud platforms for automating and simplifying the deployment of an application.
    We are switching to Azure because we want to deploy our application on a more modern, secure, and redundant platform than the one we have today. It also means easier management for us and gives us better opportunities for faster ongoing updates. The Azure platform is also scalable in a much better way than our existing platform.
    The move also enables our internal and seamlessly embedded interpretation service MediusGo Capture (only available in Azure).

  • Is there a specific email address I can send to if I have questions about the move?
    Absolutely, you can email [email protected]