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Work queues

When you log in tothe invoice application, the left part of the window displays the personal work queue and the group queues that you have access to. For those users who do not have group queues, only the personal work queue is displayed.

  • The queue currently selected is displayed in blue.
  • Select another queue with mouse or arrow keys.
  • The number of invoices currently in the queue is displayed to the right of the queue name.
  • Update all queues by clicking the arrow icon above the list.

Organize the list

  • Change the order of the queues by clicking and dragging the queue to the selected location.
  • By dragging the bottom edge of the list up / down, you can change the height of the list and by dragging the right edge of the column to the right / left you can change the width.
  • The left arrow in the upper right of the queue column is used to hide the column with queues.
  • Hide the invoice image by clicking the minus sign to the right above the image
  • You can also hide all queues to see a larger invoice image. To do this, click on the minus sign next to the Invoice queues heading.

Filter the queue list

One or two drop lists are available to filter the list of work queues.


When you are a substitute for someone, the Users drop-down list appears. To process invoices for someone you are a substitute for, this user is selected in the drop list. The personal work queue for the person you are replacing is displayed together with the group queues that the user is entitled to. When switching users to work as a replacement for someone else, all rights are automatically inherited from the one you replace. However, all work done with the own user's signature is logged - not the one you replace.


This drop-down list shows the name of the role you are currently working in, and then only the queues the role belongs to are displayed. If you have more roles you can easily change the role by selecting it in the drop list. When the All role is selected, queues are displayed for all the roles you belong to.