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E-mail notifications


E-mail notification refers to the function in the invoice application that sends out e-mails to the users who have invoices to process.

In order for users to receive e-mail, the user must have a registered e-mail address in the administration tool.

The e-mail notification function is scheduled on the server and is normally performed once a day.

However, e-mail notification is only sent provided that the user has at least one new invoice in their work queue since the previous mailing.


Three types of email notifications are available in the invoice application:

  • New invoices: E-mail is sent to all users who have one or more new invoices in their personal work queue.
  • Past due invoices: E-mail is sent to all users who have one or more invoices that are past due.
  • Invoices to substitutes: E-mails are sent to all users who have one or more invoices in their capacity as substitutes for one or more other users.


On the Settings form, the General tab, there is an option for each user to decide whether they want notifications for new invoices. Past due invoice settings cannot be disabled by users.

The email address is retrieved from the user form in the Administration tool and can be changed there.