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To filter the list of invoices in the Work queue window and thereby make it easier to work, click the Filter button at the top of the page.

When you have used any of the filter options, the Filter button turns orange to indicate that the list is filtered.

Hide the filter section by clicking the Filter button. The options you selected remain even when the section is hidden.


Used to select a specific company to list invoices from in all queues. By default, invoices belonging to all companies are displayed. You can type directly in the field to bring up a filtered list to choose from.

Breakdown of invoices into a work queue into several sub-sets

The presentation of the total number of invoices in a work queue is divided based on the values that are specified in the Total and Page fields.

  • Total: Here you specify how the total amount of invoices should be divided into intervals.
  • Page: Specifies the number of invoices to be displayed on each page.

Ex. as shown below:

New Invoice Review contains 2068 invoices.

By entering the value 250 in the Total field, these invoices are divided into 9 intervals of 250 invoices. Each interval is represented by a blue button. The entire queue content is retrieved sorted according to the column selected in the Sortorder field. The white buttons represent the value 15 in the Page field.


To choose how the invoices are sorted, ie the order in which the invoices are to be retrieved if the number of invoices in the queue exceeds the figure in the Total field, the Sortorder drop-down list is used. If in the example above, the sorting order Case no. is selected, all 2067 invoices will be retrieved with the lowest case number first.

The 250 invoices in each interval can then be sorted with the column headings while the invoices in the other intervals remain in the order selected in the drop list.

Filter column

In this list it is possible to choose to filter the list based on the vendor or reference column. Select option and click on the queue you want to see, then select options from the Value list.

Reference filter

Here, you select a specific value to filter based on the selected filter column.

Example: select filter column "vendor", click on the queue and then select the value "telia" and only telia invoices are shown in the list.


In this list you can select a label to filter from. To select company-specific labels, first select company in the drop-down list on the far left. Read more about labels in the article Labels.