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To read or respond to messages on the invoice, click on the icon that looks like a speech bubble on the right side of both the WorkQueue window and the Invoice window.

The number in blue shows the number of messages available. 

If you want the message panel to open automatically if there are messages on the invoice, set this under Settings in the black menu.

System messages and user messages are displayed with different icons in the list.

Write message

In the lower part of the message panel there is a box for writing messages.

Write your message and click on  

Tag users

If you want to ask a question about a particular invoice or get feedback from another user, you can type @ and select the person from the list that appears. Possible recipients are users in the same company and the message is sent as an email to the specified person with a link to the invoice.


The invoice is opened as a searched invoice, so in order for the recipient to be able to respond to the message directly on the current invoice, the AllowSearchMessage parameter must be Yes

The parameter is found in the Administration tool under System configuration - System settings - Functions