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Code plan



The code plan is always read from the ERP system with which the invoice application is integrated. The ERP system is considered the owner of this information and editing of coding dimensions must therefore always be performed in the ERP system to avoid double administration and unsynchronized registers.

The Code Plan function in the administration tool is therefore mainly for the purpose of displaying the imported information, and not to change the information.

Under the administration tool's main menu Base register under the option Code plan, however, there are functions for both viewing and administering the values of the objects.

View Objects

Under the menu Basic register/Code plan, all objects and their values in the installation are listed. To display the specific coding dimension, you must first select which category to display:

  • All coding dimensions
  • Selected coding dimension (shows only values within the selected dimension)

Select which category to list via the radio button options and enter search criteria for the desired value / value range.

This is done by entering the value or description of the value you want to administer and then pressing View.

Search can also be done by using so-called "Wildcards", which correspond to part of a text string. In the example (picture below) it says '3 *' in the value box, which means that all dimensions that have a value starting with 3 are displayed in the list when the View button is pressed.

The values of the coding dimensions shown in the list can be sorted in ascending and descending order by column by clicking on the respective heading.

Add new object value

Use the New button to open the form for uploading new dimension values.

ValueThe new object value is specified here. 
DescriptionThe object description is specified here. 
Object typeChoose what object the new value belongs to. Objects are created under System configuration - Coding string
Date fromFrom which date it should be possible to code on the specified value.
Date toUp to which date it should be possible to code on the specified value.
ActiveYou can create object values in advance before they are to be used. The information is filled in but the Active check box is not filled in. The check box is checked only when you want to activate the new object value.

When all information about the object value is entered, the information is saved by clicking the Save button.

Change existing object value

Changing the value of a coding object is done by selecting a value in the main menu.

Add or change the desired information at the selected value and save the information with the Save button.

Delete existing object value

To delete an object value, select and open it from the list in the Code Plane main window. Then select the Delete button.