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The system supports the handling of invoices with foreign currency, from both English and foreign vendors.

Under the administration tool's main menu Base register, the Currency option, currency administration takes place regarding:

  • View currencies
  • Add new currencies
  • Change currency information
  • Remove currency


Both currency codes and exchange rates are normally retrieved from the ERP system. Currency updating in this function only takes place exceptionally to avoid double administration and unsynchronized registers, or for solutions where the currency codes are not included in the integration with the ERP system.

View Currency

Under the main menu Base register, the Currency option, all currencies in the installation are listed when you click the View button.

The currencies displayed in the list can be sorted in ascending and descending order by column by clicking on the respective heading.

Add new Currency

Use the New button to open the new currency form.

NameThe name of the currency
DescriptionThe description of the currency
Exchange rateThe exchange rate that the system should use.
The system allows a maximum deviation of +/- 20% between the exchange rate of the invoice and the rate entered when posting against the ERP system.
NOTE! This value is imported from some ERP systems and should not be stated/changed here.
Conversion factorSome ERP systems use a conversion factor for currencies with many decimals. This field indicates what this factor is.

When all information about the currency is entered, the information is saved by clicking the Save button.

Change an existing Currency

Open the form for editing the existing currency by clicking on the currency in the list on the main currency administration form. The same form is displayed as when setting up a new currency, with all the information for the current currency filled in.

Add or change the desired information on the currency and save the information with the Save button.

Delete an existing Currency

To delete a currency, open the currency from the list in the Currency main window. Then select the Delete button. Confirm that the currency is to be deleted with OK. The currency is then removed from the system.