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Roles an Other access rights

To give a role for example confidential rights or the right to create labels at company level, highlight the company on the Role's companies tab and then click on the Other access rights tab.

Details on how to find the tab can be found in the article View/Edit/Delete Roles

The rights that the role can be given on this tab are as follows:

Access rightsDescription
Access rights to create 'General Templates' from Ascendo InvoiceUsed to give the role the right to create general coding templates that can be used by all users in the system.
Confidential access rightsUsed to give the role the right to view and search for confidential invoices.
Confidential invoice administratorUsed to control whether the role should have permission to change access to archived confidential invoices via the search function.
Manage appendicesUsed to give the role the right to administer attachments, ie. via the invoice application search function be able to remove and change other users' attachments.
Move searched invoices to investigateUsed to give the role rights to move an invoice in the flow (in any of the steps of New Invoice Review, coding, review, approval) directly to the queue Invoice Exceptions Review via the search function.
Permit the role to restart an already processed invoiceUsed to assign the role rights to restart invoices that have been terminated (final posted, invalidated, or canceled).
Permit the role to block payment for an invoiceUsed to give the role permission to block invoices from payment (the function is controlled by the UsePaymentBlock parameter under the System Configuration/System Settings menu).
Contract rightsUsed to give the role the right to use the Contract button in the Previous Invoices section of the Work queue window and in the Invoice window.
Label rightUsed to give the role the right to create labels that are company-specific as opposed to the alternative at the top of the role's basic information that gives the right to create labels for the entire system.
Permission to change an approved coding row without deleting the approval signatureAllows the role to change the coding without having to resend the invoice for approval. NOTE! In the old interface this only applies in the step Control after approval
Permission to change the coding on already processed invoicesAllows the role to change the coding on an archived invoice.