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Approval rights - Basics

Approval rules in MediusGo are set up in different roles based on a coding dimension, which dimension you use as approval object you choose in the Coding string. Our examples will be based on Account as approval object in most cases.

The approval rules are based on the invoice's coding and it is coding rows with amounts that are approved.

MediusGo supports two different types of approval rules Direct Approval and Approval Hierarchy which are described in the article What type of approval rules do we have? 

To keep in mind!

Who approves what and how much is decided within your organization. You are responsible for ensuring that the rules set up in MediusGo are consistent with your established approval rules.

The standard approval rights are set on roles where two things need to be specified

  1. Amounts - how much should the user be authorized to approve.
  2. Values - what coding values should the user be authorized to approve.

These two values are entered on the Approval rights tab of the role form as follows:

1. Enter the amount for approval rights

On the Approval rights tab of the role form, two different amounts must be entered for the approval rights:

  • Maximum approval amount per invoice:
    This amount is the maximum total amount a user is authorized to approve on a single invoice. The amounts of all the coding rows the user has approved are added together and may not exceed this amount.
    In the case of approval hierarchy, this should always be unlimited, read more in the article Approval hierarchy. Note that this applies to the approved amount of an invoice, not the invoice amount.
  • General approval amount:
    This refers to how much the user is allowed to approve per coding value. I.e. if this amount is SEK 10,000, it means that the user may approve up to 10,000 on account1 and 10,000 on account2.

To keep in mind!

Approval rules apply to the amount on the coding row, not the invoice amount.

When the system sums up the approved amount, the absolute amounts are used, i.e. negative amounts are counted as positive, which means that if an invoice is coded as shown below, an amount of at least 20,000 is required on account 5610:

2. Enter values for approval rights

The first step to select values is to select the approval object in the Approval rights per code part drop-down list under the amounts on the Approval rights tab of the role form.

Once a dimension is selected, all the values for that dimension are displayed in the boxes below. The left box shows all the selectable values in the chart of accounts/code plan and the right box shows the values already selected.

There are several ways to specify which values a role should be able to approve

  1. Entire values
    • Select single values in the list
    • Select multiple values by using shift or ctrl while clicking
  2. With %
    • Type % in the value field to select all values
    • Type 1% in the value field to select all values starting with 1
    • Type 10% in the value field to select all values starting with 10

For clarity and ease of maintenance, you should choose one of these for all roles. This means that you should not mix whole values, %, 1% and 10% but choose one of these 4 ways to enter values.

The same applies to the amount associated with the value, we recommend that you select General amount by default when selecting values, which refers to the amount you entered in the “General approval amount” field above. This gives a better overview of who is authorized to approve what and it is easier to update the rules if necessary.

To keep in mind!

If you add new values to the approval object, these must be added to an approval role.

If you specify the approval value with %, the new values will be included automatically, but if you add whole values, these must be assigned to the relevant role. The easiest way to do this is described in the article Add/remove approval values from roles.

Approval object other than Account

If you use something other than Account, such as Cost Center or Department, as an approval object, in addition to the approval right on the respective value, you need to decide how rows that do not have an approval object value should be handled.

The first step is to determine whether you want special rules for these coding rows or whether anyone, who has an approval amount, should be able to approve the rows. This is controlled by the system parameter RequireAttestRule found under System Configuration - System Settings - Functions.

  • No - means that everyone who has an approval amount has the possibility to approve rows without cc/dep. 
  • Yes - means that you require Special approval rules that give specific roles the rights to approve these rows.

System approval of VAT rows

If you want to exempt VAT accounts from the approval rules and have these rows approved by the system, use the AutoAttestVAT parameter under System configuration - System settings - Functions.

  • No - means that approval rules have to be set up for VAT accounts and a user needs to appprove these rows.
  • Yes - means that the approval signature SYSTEM is automatically applied to all rows coded with an account marked as a VAT account in the chart of accounts or with a template or coding suggestion that has the row type Deductible VAT. These rows then do not need to be approved by anyone else.

Review and approval

You decide whether it should be allowed to both review and approve an invoice or whether you always want several eyes on all invoices. The AllowInspectAndAttest parameter under System configuration - System settings - Functions controls whether this should be possible. The parameter works a little differently depending on what type of approval rules you use, read more about this in the article What type of approval rules do we have?

Regardless of the type of approval rules you use, it is possible to set an amount limit for when it should be allowed to both review and approve an invoice. The upper limit for when this is allowed is specified on the parameter form for AllowInspectAndAttest and controls that invoices above this amount must pass several administrators. 

Direct approval

  • No - means that a person who has reviewed a coding row never can approve the same row. The invoice must then be sent to another approver.
  • Yes - means that it is possible to check both the review and approval boxes on the same coding row, as long as the amount is below the specified maximum amount.

Approval hierarchy

If you use approval hierarchy, there are two parameters that control whether it should be possible to both review and approve an invoice. AllowInspectAndAttest, which applies to rows according to ordinary approval rules and AllowInspectAndAttestOnException which applies to rows with special approval rules.

  • No - means that if a person approves a row that they have also reviewed, the invoice will always be sent to another approver. This applies even if the approver has sufficient amount to finalize the invoice.
  • Yes - means that it is possible to check both the review and approval boxes on the same coding row and then send it for payment, provided that the person can finally approve the invoice and that the approved amount is below the maximum amount specified.