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Purchasing integration

Under the function System configuration - Import is the menu option Purchasing integration which in turn has two underlying functions: Article row invoice and Article row order.

These are used to define what the incoming order invoice item rows should look like and what the purchase order item rows should look like and what conditions should apply when matching them against each other.


These settings depend on which purchasing system is used and should therefore not be changed without first contacting our customer center by registering a support case in the customer portal.

Configuration procedure

The procedure for configuring the match is to first configure the item row of the order and then the item row of the invoice since the latter must be defined in the form of certain objects being selected to be matched to the corresponding object on the order row.

Configuration of Article row order

Open the menu System configuration - Import - Purchase integration - Article row order and click View, the following form and a list is displayed.

The default fields in the order article row are as follows:

OrderUnique purchase order number for the purchase order.
ArticleArticle number for the item on the order line. If both the vendor's and the customer's article number is to be handled and presented and used for matching, additional items in the item row can easily be added. See also the section on adding additional article row items below.
QuantityOrdered number of current article. The unit for the number (pcs, meters, kg, etc.) is not required for the match.
PriceArticle unit price.
SumThe sum of the quantity of articles * price.
RowNo/DeliveryIDUnique identifier for the order line.

Configuration of the order's existing article row object

To configure existing items on the order, click on the current item (eg order number) and the following form will appear:

View nameThe name that appears in the column for the article row item when opening the order in the invoice application.
View descriptionThe description of the article row object that appears when the mouse cursor is placed on the column headings in the invoice application.
VisibleControls whether the current object should be presented or not when opening the order in the invoice application.
View setupControls in which order (internally among the objects on the order's article row) the current object is to be presented when opening the order in the invoice application.
Column nameHere you specify from which column in the invoice application table for order matching data (IntOrder) the current object value is to be retrieved.
Update orderControls whether it should be allowed to edit the order value for the article in the invoice application and that this should update the order in the purchasing system when booking the invoice. For example. if a new unit price on the invoice can update the order.
Control columnMarked whether the value in the column should be checked so that it contains an expected value in connection with matching. For example. this can be used to verify whether the article has been delivered or not (status 0 can be used if not delivered, 1 if delivered). When the check box for the control column is selected, the fields for Control value, To monitoring, and Time limit monitoring are activated.
Control valueNot used
To monitoringUsed to control whether a controlled object that does not contain the expected value should be sent to the step Await Delivery for monitoring that the condition (control value) reaches the expected status/value.
Monitoring time limit (days)Used to control how long an invoice should be for monitoring and waiting for the value of the control column to reach the expected status/value. When the specified time limit has passed, the invoice will be automatically sent to the control queue to check orders.
Data typeUsed to specify the type of data that the current object is expected to contain. Mainly used for configuration and addition of new order line objects in addition to these standard fields.
Code partUsed to connect fields for automatic coding.
Included in row identifierUsed to specify whether the field is an identifier if the row is to be updated.

Add a new article row object to the order

To add a new object to the order article row click the New button at the top of the page.

The form is the same as when configuring existing items on the order's item line. Fill in the information to configure the item and save.

Delete existing article row object on the order

To delete an existing item article row object on the order, click on the current object and select the Delete button.

Configuration of article row invoice

Via the function System configuration - Import - Purchasing integration -  Article row invoice, the article row object of the invoice is configured. By default, no objects are configured here, but this must be done from scratch.

A normal/standard set of article row objects includes the following:

Order no.The order number to which each article row belongs. Different order numbers may appear on different article rows on the invoice (i.e. collective invoices are supported)
Article no.Interpreted article number on the article row. If both the supplier's and the customer's article number is to be handled and matched, an additional article number can easily be added. See also the section on adding additional article row objects below.
QuantityInvoiced number of current article. The unit for the number (pcs, meters, kg, etc.) is not required for the match.
PriceArticle unit price.
SumThe sum of quantity * price.

Add a new object to invoice article row 

To add a new article row object to the invoice article row, use the New button at the top of the page and the following form is displayed:

ActiveUsed to enable/disable the article row object.
Lock fieldDecides whether the field can be edited on the invoice.
View nameThe heading that appears in the article row object on the invoice.
View descriptionThe description of the article row object that appears when the mouse cursor is placed on the column headings in the invoice application.
View setupControls in which order (internally among the objects on the invoice's item row) the current object is to be presented when opening the invoice in the invoice application.
PositionHere it is stated at which position in the invoice transfer file the current object is placed.
VisibleControls whether the object is visible on the invoice or not.
ObligatoryControls whether the object must contain a value, invoice whose object has no value in a obligatory field can not be matched correctly.
SearchableSpecifies whether the object can be used as a field when searching for invoices in the invoice application search function.
Data typeUsed to specify the type of data that the current object is expected to contain. Mainly used for configuration and addition of new order line objects in addition to these standard fields.
Order columnUsed to specify which column on the order's article row the object value is to be checked/matched against.
Permit editUsed to control whether the article row object should be editable or not.
ControlUsed to specify whether the object should be checked against the order or not. If this field is given the value Check value, the fields Recipient queue in event of error and Control order must also be defined. See further below.
Recipient queue in event of errorUsed to select to which queue the invoice should be sent if the object when matching has a deviating value that exceeds the current permitted deviations.
Control setupSpecifies the order in which the objects are to be controlled.
Downward deviation (auto)Here it is stated how much deviation in % the current object may have downwards towards the corresponding object value on the order's article row. A downward deviation cannot be specified for the fixed objects Order number and Article number.
Upward deviation (auto)Here it is stated how much deviation in % the current object may have upwards towards the corresponding object value on the order's article row. Deviation upwards can not be specified for the fixed objects Order number and Article number.
Downward deviationHere it is stated how large a deviation downwards that the current object may have against the corresponding object value on the order's article row during manual matching in the current control step. I.e. how much deviation the user may force through. A downward deviation cannot be specified for the fixed objects Order number and Article number and the field is activated only when the field Control has the value Check value.
Upward deviationHere it is stated how large a deviation upwards that the current object may have against the corresponding object value on the order's article row during manual matching in the current control step. I.e. how much deviation the user may force through. An upward deviation cannot be specified for the fixed objects Order number and Article number and the field is activated only when the field Control has the value Check value.
Change formulaHere, a calculation formula can be defined that is used if the current object value is changed manually by the administrator on the invoice. Use the button to the right of the field to open the form to create the formula.
Change resultHere is where the result of the object's calculation formula is to be presented. The change result can also contain a calculation formula which is created via a similar form used for the change formula as above. According to the example above for the change formula A-price * number, it would be natural to indicate that the change result is presented in the field Amount.
Control formulaHere, a formula can be defined for the object that the system performs in connection with the automatic matching that is performed on the invoice upon import. The formula is defined in a similar form used for the change formula as above.
Calculation formulaHere, a calculation formula can be defined that is used to calculate the value of the object in connection with automatic matching when importing the invoice. The formula is defined in a similar form used for the change formula as above.
Matching valueUsed in cases where two different dimension values are to be summed/calculated to match against an order line object. For example. in cases where existing delivery and manually performed delivery.

Configure change formula

To the right of the Change Formula, Change Result, Control Formula, Calculation Formula, and Matching Value fields, there is a button to open a form for creating calculation formulas. Click on the button and the following form will open:

To create a calculation formula:

  1. Select an article row object using the drop-down list
  2. Add the object with the Add button.
  3. Select the operator with one of the buttons (+, -, *, (,), /) to create the formula to be used for manually changing the object value.

By combining object values and operators, a formula can be created that is calculated when changing the object's value. Example:

The CE button is used to delete the entire created formula.

An example of a change formula is for the object A-price, with the formula Price * Quantity.

In the same way, a change formula for the object Quantity can be found with the formula Price * Quantity.

Finish by clicking the Save button.

Delete existing article row object on the invoice

To delete an existing article row object on the order, click on the current item and select the Delete button.