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Data cleaning

Data cleaning - allows you to adjust data manually. For example, you can remove parts of a value that should not be included in a value sent to the workflow. You can also add a missing character to a value and replace parts of a value with another character. Data cleaning learns from what the user adjusts and repeats the same adjustments on future invoices of the vendor, if the conditions are the same.

The Data cleaning function is active for these fields:

  • Invoice number
  • Bankgiro
  • Plusgiro
  • BBAN
  • IBAN
  • Organization number
  • VAT registration number
  • Order number, at header level
  • Order number at line level

For the above fields, except for Order number at line level, this also works on E-invoice.


Data cleaning can remove parts of an interpreted value at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of an interpreted value. Data cleaning can, for example, remove the prefix "PO" in an order number, if it is printed on the invoice by the vendor.

The system learns already after the same repetition of 2 invoices from the same vendor.

Example for removal

If the order number value starts with 2 letters followed by 5 digits, the system will remove the 2 letters at the beginning.

  1. PO12345 - printed on the invoice.
  2. PO - removed by the user during verification.
  3. 12345 - value left when sent to the workflow.


Data cleaning can insert an arbitrary value before or in the middle of a parsed value.

In order for the function to insert a value at the end of a parsed value, the value to be added must not contain any digits. The system learns already after the same repetition of 2 invoices from the same vendor.

Example for addition

Addition at the beginning

Characters can be added at the beginning of the parsed value to insert e.g. hyphens, digits and letters.

  1. 12345 - printed on the invoice.
  2. PO - added to the beginning of the value by the user during verification.
  3. PO12345 - value saved on the invoice.

Middle addition

Characters can be added to the middle of the interpreted value to insert, for example, hyphens, numbers and letters.

  • 12345 can be changed to 123-45.
  • 45678 can be changed to 456-PO-78.

End addition

Characters can be added to the end of the interpreted value to insert letters. Note that at the end the system can only insert letters.

  1. 12345 - printed on the invoice.
  2. ABC - added to the end.
  3. 12345ABC - value saved on the invoice.

Example of how the system interprets if numbers are added at the end.

  1. 12345 - printed on the invoice.
  2. 01 - added at the end.
  3. 12345 - value saved on the invoice because the addition cannot contain numbers.