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In the invoice window, the History section is located under the invoice header.

To show/hide the section, click on in the small menu on the right.

To expand/collapse the section, click on .

The History section contains the steps the invoice has passed in the workflow:

At the name/queue that the invoice has been, different symbols are shown depending on how the invoice has been handled.

Means that the invoice has been handled by the person.
Means that the person has not handled the invoice, for example, it may have been moved to Invoice Exceptions Review.
 The invoice has been with several recipients at the same time and the person has used the option "Not mine".

If you want more information about a step, you can click on that box to open a form showing the following:

  • Addressee: The person who received the invoice in the current step.
  • Added by: Who sent it to the Addressee.
  • Added: When the invoice was sent to the step.
  • Status: Not handled, Sent or Active.
  • Sent by: Who sent from the current step. If a replacement handled the invoice, this will be shown here.
  • Date: When the invoice was sent from the step.

The first “card” shows the information interpreted from the invoice and imported into the system.