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Register from queue

The Register from queue function is designed to be able to register a larger volume of files/documents that are placed in a predefined directory/path in the network in a simpler and more rational way, e.g. by scanning directly to this directory.

Queues are created on the System page in the administration section and permissions are assigned on either the role form or the queue form.

Use queue for document registration

When logging in to MediusGo Contract, the function for registering documents from a queue is accessed via the Register from a queue button in the black menu column on the right, the following is displayed when the button is clicked:

If the user has the right to register from queues linked to more than one company, companies can be selected via the drop-down list Select company.

All queues are listed and presented with

  • Queue name: the name of the queue.
  • Quantity: number of unregistered documents in the queue.
  • Locked by: if another user is working with the queue, the name of that user is displayed here and the queue cannot be opened.

Click on a queue to open the registration form, the following is displayed:

The first file/document in the current directory is displayed, as well as which document this is in order and the total number of documents in the queue. (1 of 22 according to above).

Registration of documents takes place as follows:

  1. Select company (if there are several companies).
  2. Select unit (if there are several units). Select the check box to leave the selection until registration of the next document.
  3. Select category (the fields that may be linked to the current category are displayed automatically). Select the check box to leave the selection until registration of the next document.
  4. Select the document type, (the fields that may be linked to the current document type are displayed automatically). Select the check box to leave the selection until registration of the next document.
  5. Record values for the current fields.
  6. Link the current file/document to the registered data by clicking on the << button to the left of the image.
    When a document is linked to registered data, the document in the queue in question is displayed in the box under the button.
  7. The next image in the directory is displayed, if this belongs to the same document, click the << button again. It is possible to scroll through the images using the >>,>, <and << buttons above the image to link non-consecutive images.
  8. Repeat until all documents belonging to the same data are linked.
  9. Save the current registration and images by clicking Save.

To delete images that are not to be used, click the Delete file button above the image.