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System parameters in PO matching

The System Configuration-System Settings page, Purchasing Integration tab shows a number of system parameters that are used to control how integration and matching of incoming invoices against purchasing systems are to be applied. Which parameters are to be activated is largely controlled by which purchase order system and which financial system is used and these settings should not be changed without first contacting our customer center by registering a support case in the customer portal.

The function of the PO matching parameters

Used to control whether purchase order integration should be applied or not in the installation. If the parameter is set to Yes, all settings can be made on this form or on separate parameters.
Used to control whether the system should consider all incoming vendor invoices as order-related and perform matching on all.
Used to control so that only invoices with order numbers in the invoice header are considered by the system as order invoices and are matched against purchase orders.
Used to control so that only invoices with item lines are considered by the system as order invoices and undergo matching against purchase orders.
Used to control so that the matching of invoice against a purchase order is only performed at an overall level, i.e. without detailed matching of item lines. For the parameter, it is also stated how much deviation in % or absolute amount in transaction currency is to be allowed between the invoice and the purchase order for the system to consider the invoice as approved, i.e. matches orders.
Used to specify the maximum deviation in currency for invoice amount in relation to order amount. Depending on the MatchOrderInvoiceAmount parameter being active.
Used to specify the maximum deviation in % for invoice amount in relation to order amount. Depending on the MatchOrderInvoiceAmount parameter being active.
Used to control how much deviation between the sum of the item lines amounts compared to the invoice's total net amount may occur. This is to catch deviations in the form of shipping/packaging etc.
Same as MaxInvoiceArticleAmountDiff but here the deviation in percent is stated instead. The one of these two that gives the lowest deviation will be the limit when matching.
Used to control whether the system should automatically approve any roundings that are coded on the invoice.
Used to control whether the entire invoice's net amount must be coded on an order invoice.
The entire invoice's sales tax amount must be coded. Depending on whether the AllocateNetAmount parameter is active.
Used to control whether the sum of the invoice's item line amount (net) should be the same as the invoice's net amount.
Used to control whether automatically fully matched and approved invoices should be sent directly for final posting or not.
Used to control whether the invoice's coding lines are to be retrieved from the purchase order in connection with matching.
Used to perform control of any amount left to code after matching for presentation in matching message. To be used for matching occasions where coding suggestions are not linked to the purchase order at the time of matching but are only applied when the invoice is posted to the purchasing system.
Used to deactivate the requirement that the purchase order and the vendor invoice are linked to the same vendor ID.
Used to control whether an order invoice should be preliminarily posted before matching, or after matching, and possibly management in queue Check order.
Use step Delivery Wait. Enables special status on invoice if order exists but delivery has not arrived.
Not used!
Allows invoice for part of delivery. When this parameter is "No", the system checks that all lines on an inbound delivery linked to the invoice are linked to the invoice (if this is not the case, the UseWarningPartDelivery parameter switches on)
Warn when invoicing for part of delivery. (This parameter only works if the AllowPartDelivery parameter is set to "No".) If this parameter is set to "No", all lines on a delivery linked to the invoice must also be linked to the invoice in order for it to be sent for payment. . If this parameter is instead set to "Yes", you will receive a warning that all lines on the delivery have not been linked to the invoice, you can then force it on to payment.
Deviations according to tolerances are automatically coded as markup.
If you create coding lines automatically when matching, free items (eg promotional items) must also be coded even though the amount on the line is zero.
Automatically approve fully matched coding lines from the order.
Automatically check fully matched coding lines from the order.
Send order invoices with amount difference to buyers.
Matching multiple lines on the same invoice against the same delivery line is always allowed in the interface. Unfortunately, not all integrations and/or ERP systems can handle this and require only one line. By activating the parameter, the integration merges these invoice/item lines into one line when the booking is sent to the ERP system.
Automatically match/control the invoices that are in CheckOrder
MediusGo keeps track of the remaining matchable quantity